VizSwap offers your company several options to make your site your own!
How to Access:
Log in to your VizSwap site (https://<yourdomain>, and from the dropdown at the top right, select "Company Settings":
1. Company Info
This information will be used to identify your company, such as in email communications (reply-to alias) on invitations to team members or customers. Also, the Time Zone you set will be used for all timestamps (such as on files and images uploaded to your VizSwap site).
2. Contact Info
The details entered here will be updated in our VizSwap database, so that the VizSwap admins will always have up-to-date contact info for your team. The contact person, email, and phone number listed here, will be who we reach out to if there is a need to get in touch!
3. Company Branding
Here you can upload a logo, set a site accent color, and update your Board Welcome Message!
- Logo: We recommend uploading a version of your company logo that is oriented in landscape, with an aspect ratio of 1:3. The VizSwap system can handle both portrait and landscape-oriented logos, but square and portrait-oriented logos will present in a smaller format to accommodate the header spacing - so landscape-oriented versions are ideal!
- Company Color: Select an accent color for your site by entering a hex color code (online color picker); this will change the color of selected buttons and text. For instance, #ff0000 corresponds to Red, giving this color scheme:
- Board Welcome Message: This message will appear when a new customer completes a questionnaire and accesses the boards for the first time.
- Subdomain: If need be, the subdomain you use to access your VizSwap site can be changed here. Please reach out to your VizSwap admin to discuss beforehand!
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