VizSwap offers your company an amazing approach to organize and stay on track with multiple projects!
How to Access:
Log in to your VizSwap site (https://<yourdomain>, and from the dropdown at the top right, select "Project Stages":
1. Why this is Important
With Project stages, you can categorize projects based on your businesses processes! This can be important as the number of projects going through your VizSwap site increases. Knowing the status of each one and which have upcoming deadlines is immensly important in staying on top of things.
In this demo company I have setup 4 stages
- Design - An initial plan has been made
- Concept - Working with the customer to refine the plan for this project
- Approval - Waiting on approval before making orders and setting things into motion
- Finished - Everything is done and has been completed to the customer's specifications
This is just an example setup, be creative and modify VizSwap to match your own processes! There are many possibilities. For example, I could see adding in "Followup" stage to check on a customers satisfaction long after the project is finished.
2. Setting a Project's Stage
To set a project's stage, navigate to the project's dashboard. From there you can click on the current stage under the "Status" heading.
After clicking the current stage, you will be presented with the project stages you setup earlier and with an area to set a "Due" date.
3. Searching by Stages & Due Dates
On the "My Projects" page of VizSwap, you will see a list of projects and a set of filters that can be used to refine your search.
The available search filters are:
- Keyword - a piece of text to search for
- Due Date - a set of time periods to check the project's configured due date against
- Team Member - a way to alphabetically sort the projects by their members
- Stage - a multi select to filter projects by
Feel free to refine and experiment with the options here, when you want to go back to the default view click the "Reset" button on the right side of the page.
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